First baby food – food choice matters

Baby`s digestive system is mature enough to start with solids around the age of 6 months. However, it continues to develop during the following months.  Some food might be tough on the digestive system if introduced too soon. Having your baby eating the right food according to her/his age helps your baby to grow and develop healthily.

Introducing the food through different stages supports healthy gut microflora.

The right food choices can help to prepare the digestive system to be ready for the next level.

The digestive system of your baby is ready for the first solid around the age of 6 months. However, it continues to mature. The gut microflora established during the first 2 years can greatly influence your child’s long-term immunity. 

Considering, that your baby is still developing, there is no need to offer him/her all food categories on plate within one meal.  Rather than prepare from bits and pieces from all food categories within one course, it is better to create a balanced daily meal plan instead. Meal plan which offers easy-to-digest meals and food combinations.

Easy-to-digest meals are essential for babies & toddlers

Easy-to-digest meals support the digestive system. Overloading digestive system makes othe organs works harder. 

If the digestive system is being kept overloaded continuously, the body has to focus on processing the food, which might weaken the immune system. Without a healthy digestive system, your child can’t get all the nutrients he needs to grow properly and stay healthy. A problematic gut can affect your child in several ways, including his body weight, nutritional status, immune system, and even his emotions.

Your child’s digestive system is his “food processing machine”. Food must first be adequately broken down and properly absorbed before it can be utilized by his body. If any part of the process goes wrong, your child’s nutritional status is at risk, and when this happens, it may affect his physical as well as cognitive development. 

Why is it good to raise a veggie lover?

We all know vegetables are important. They are considered superfoods. Veggies are rich in vitamins and fiber, which are important nutrients for digestion. Vegetables help to prevent and lower the risk of many chronic diseases and should be the main component of every meal. They nourish our bodies and help to overcome illness. 

Age of the baby is important when introducing solids

The detoxification organs like the liver or kidneys are not fully functional until the age of three years. The immune system by children is completely developed when they are 6 years old.

Which food to introduce in the first year and how – this and more you can find in my eBook.

I share my experience and help with starting first solids in a  healthy way. In this eBook, you find the way how to introduce and combine the food in order to keep the meals easy-to-digest for your little one.

Finger food (Baby Lead Weaning) or Purées?

There is no right or wrong. Every baby might have different preferences and you need to follow what feels right for you.  I believe both ways of introducing solids are great. We were combining these two methods and they worked for us. Though, it is recommended to let your baby lead the way of eating. Even if you do spoon – feeding, it is more likely that your baby wants to have its own spoon, too. Pro-longed spoon-feeding might lead to picky eating later.

The actual question is whether the food which you are serving to your baby is healthy and easy-to-digest.

The more you load the digestive system of your baby, the higher the risk that any diseases or lower immune system in the future occurs. So, simply said, if the immune system works properly, your baby`s health will be stable.

Therefore, it is good to understand which food and food combination is the best for the beginning when starting with solids. 

The way you treat your digestive system is essential in terms to have strong immune system. As the detoxification organs like the liver or kidneys are not fully functional in the first three years, it is important what food we choose to offer and  the way we prepare the food for our child.

A good start during introducing the first solids is your opportunity to set your child’s future foundation of health.

Great eating habits & a healthy relationship with food start with the first food.

I believe, the way we introduce first baby food and the knowledge of the digestibility of specific foods matter. With the right food choices, we can create a strong base for your baby`s health and immune system. I am the author of the eBook about introduction to solids: How To Raise a Veggie Lover (and We Should...)

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