Hello, I'm Kristina, a passionate advocate of functional food residing in Berlin, Germany.

I believe that our dietary choices play a vital role in shaping our overall health and well-being. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you considered changing your eating habits or adopting a healthier diet?

In 2016, when I became a mother, I embarked on a journey to establish a solid foundation for my baby's health. It was during this time that I began delving deep into the impact of food on our well-being, particularly what constitutes a healthy diet for a growing child.

I wanted to ensure that my daughter grew up with optimal health.

I was overwhelmed by the abundance of information available, with numerous foods touted as healthy and appropriate for a baby's consumption. Despite this, I remained uncertain about the validity of the information.

This motivated me to seek out credible resources and information to develop a better understanding of how to promote a healthy immune system in babies through proper dietary practices.

I have delved into extensive research, including reading books on babies' nutrition, actively participating in workshops, and successfully completing relevant courses to gain a comprehensive understanding of optimal nutrition for infants. Through this journey, I have come to realize the simplicity of laying a solid foundation for a baby's health.

Embracing a holistic approach has enabled me to comprehend the intricate development of babies' digestive systems and the specific foods that support their thriving well-being. This newfound knowledge has prompted me to reevaluate the conventional methods of introducing solid foods.

I have discovered a wealth of invaluable information that often goes unnoticed during the initial stages of introducing solid foods to infants. This realization has fueled my desire to share this knowledge with you. My goal is to share this information with others and help them understand the critical role that nutrition plays in promoting their baby's overall health and development.

By taking a gentle approach and introducing easy-to-digest meals, you can support your baby's healthy growth and development while minimizing stress on their digestive system. This approach can also help to boost your baby's immune system. By following basic rules and guidelines, I have learned how to gradually introduce solids in a way that respects the baby's age and developmental stage. My focus has been on selecting foods that can promote healthy growth and support a healthy gut microbiome.

I have implemented all the principles I learned in my eBook titled "How to Raise a Veggie Lover" which serves as a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to support you in introducing first solid foods to your baby until they reach 1 year old. This eBook is designed to assist you in promoting your baby's overall health, strengthening their immune system, and fostering healthy development.

What do I do?

My Education

Child nutrition and cooking - Stanford online course

Infant nutrition from breastfeeding to baby´s firs solids - Deakin University course

 Holistic child nutrition - ATAC 

Master Degree in Economics and Marketing