The first 3 years in the lives of our kids are the most crucial.

We can support their mental and physical development and their health with the right food choices.

24.1. 2021

First baby food – food choice matters

Baby`s digestive system is mature enough to start with solids around the age of 6 months. However, it continues to develop during the following months.  Some food might be tough on the digestive system if introduced too soon. Having your baby eating the right food according to her/his age helps your baby to grow and...

8.5. 2020

Homemade vegetable stock powder

This is is an ultimate food item which you should have in your kitchen.There are many meals where vegetable stock is an essential part of the recipe. As your baby is growing, around the age of 12 months is the time, when he/she can join family meals. If we want to stay sane and do not...

4.1. 2021

Local and seasonal food when introducing solids

Starting with solids? I am sure every parent has searched online information on this topic. The enormous amount of information that you can find might be overwhelming. And definitely without unity at all. Information varies not only from country to country but also from person to person. When we were starting with solids, I tried to select...

22.5. 2020

Mini polenta cakes with vegetables

I ate polenta for the first time when I was 20. It is not a traditional dish from Slovakia, where I come from. I tried it, liked it and forgot about it. Only when I had my child I learned it is a great first baby food as I didn’t want to serve her instant cereals. Instant cereals have the lowest nutritional value...

19.9. 2019

Oatmeal porridge

The best way, how to start your day is to have something warm, healthy, and nutritional for breakfast. Porridge is commonly eaten for breakfast and oats are great cereals. There are many instant porridges on the market, however, I always keep in mind, that “instant” means highly processed and that equals less nutrition. If you want...

16.4. 2019

Organic chicken breasts on sauteed vegetables

I always search for new ways how to serve the meat. I believe the best side dish are vegetables, to make sure the meal won‘t get heavy to digest. Just how to serve it that it looks different? I got from my mother in law ( btw I am so lucky to have one of the Best...

19.3. 2019

Gingerbread Cake

If I think about gingerbread cake I must think about Christmas. But, honestly, I bake this cake more often than once a year. It is so easy and quick to make, that it would be a pity to skip this recipe:)

13.3. 2019

Carrot-cheese crackers

These carrot cheese crackers are our favorite ones lately. They are super easy to make and yummy. If you are looking for something to grab and go, these are the right ones, together with some vegetable sticks are perfect for afternoon snack.

12.3. 2019

Carrot cake

This is not a typical carrot cake. There is no white or brown sugar, no agave, no honey, and no frosting used. But it is a very tasty version of it, that can be offered to your toddler. If you are looking for some sweet treat for your little one, this is it.

11.3. 2019

Non-fried zucchini – ricotta balls

If you are looking for dinner or lunch to go, this is a perfect option. These zucchini-ricotta balls taste great warm or cold. You don’t really need cutlery and your little one can eat it alone even on the way in the stroller.